Flipping The Pattern
Matthew O’Brien points out that “older workers are about to surpass younger workers for the first time.”
For the first time ever, workers over-55 are set to make up a bigger share of the workforce than workers between 25 and 34 years old….It might not be long until over-55s outnumber the 25 to 34 crowd.
With the Great Recession forcing so many Boomers to postpone retirement, their numbers probably won’t plateau anytime soon. In other words, more Boomers will hit their 55th birthdays, but fewer Boomers will trade in for a gold watch when they hit their 65th birthdays. This could go on until 2020 or so — when the youngest Boomers will start approaching their golden years.
Here’s a depressing thought. It might take that long for a self-sustaining recovery to take hold. Eventually Millennials will have to start buying houses and cars — right? By then they should have the jobs to do so. But for now, the younger generation is mostly unemployed, underemployed, or back in school. That’s why their share of the workforce actually slipped when the Great Recession hit.