04.23.2010 Policy Points

NC Local Employment in March

Local labor market conditions across North Carolina remained weak in March, based on preliminary data released today by the Employment Security Commission. In March 75 counties posted double-digit unemployment rates, and 43 counties recorded unemployment rates of at least 12 percent.

Every part of the state experienced weak labor markets. Unemployment rates exceeded 10 percent in 75 counties, and in 43 counties, at least 12 percent of the labor force was jobless and actively seeking work. County unemployment rates ranged from 6.4 percent in Orange County to 17.2 percent in Graham County.

One piece of good news contained in the March report is evidence of the powerful role that unemployment insurance has played in blunting the recession. Over the last 12 months, the Employment Security Commission paid out $5.4 billion in regular state payments, emergency federal benefits, and additional federal compensation. These payments not only helped households coping with a job loss, but they also generated an estimated $8.8 billion in statewide economic activity.

Click here to read South by North Strategies’ full analysis.

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