08.16.2010 Policy Points

Social Security Facts and Figures

Last weekend marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of  the Social Security Act.

As a new fact sheet prepared by the Social Security Administration shows, the programs’s retirement piece remains vital to the well-being and economic security of older Americans. Some facts for consideration:

  • 87% of elderly households received Social Security payments in 2008.
  • 64% of elderly households received at least half of their incomes from Social Security; 34% received at least 90% of their incomes from Social Security.
  • The average retiree received a monthly benefit of $1,164 in Dec. 2009.
  • 33% of all beneficiaries are age 75 or older.
  • Program revenues exceeded expenses in 2009.
  • The Social Security Trust Funds are expected to last (by design) until 2037; absent changes, the funds then would be able to pay 78% of scheduled benefits indefinitely.
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