02.16.2011 Policy Points

Building Support For Social Insurance

Economist’s View asks how to increase public support for social insurance programs.

The key here is to overcome the belief that the majority of people using these services are “gaming” the system to get handouts they don’t deserve. If we are going to successfully defend the social insurance system, it is this belief that must be countered. Of course such behavior goes on, there will always be people who try to take advantage of any system that is put in place (in the public or private sector), but this is not the predominant feature of these programs. The share of “deadbeats” is not large, it is relatively small given all the good such programs do, and that’s the message that needs to be delivered. The social benefits clearly exceed the costs of providing these services, but it will be tough to make this case convincingly — the opposition can always find isolated cases where people take advantage of the system and surround them with negative publicity. This has been a successful strategy, and it will take a concerted effort to counter overcome such efforts.

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