Manufacturing In the South Atlantic: Dec. 2011
From the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s latest survey of manufacturing activity in the South Atlantic (District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia):
Manufacturing activity in the central Atlantic region firmed somewhat after stabilizing in November, according to the Richmond Fed’s latest survey. The index of overall activity edged higher as positive readings for shipments and new orders offset a slight decline in the reading for employment. Modest improvement was also evident in most other indicators. District contacts reported that backlogs turned positive and noted that capacity utilization steadied. Delivery times were virtually unchanged, while finished goods inventories grew at a slightly faster rate.
Looking ahead, assessments of business prospects for the next six months were less optimistic in December. Contacts at more firms anticipated that shipments, new orders, backlogs, capacity utilization and capital expenditures would grow more slowly during the next six months.