Policy Points

07.12.2011 Policy Points No Comments

Explaining The Bank Bailout

Interfluidity debunks the claim that large banks didn’t get bailed out because they repaid their TARP loans. and other forms of aid.

Cash is not king in financial markets. Risk is. The government bailed out major banks by assuming the downside risk of major banks when those risks were very large, for minimal compensation. In particular, the government 1) offered regulatory forbearance and tolerated generous valuations; 2) lent to financial institutions at or near risk-free interest rates against sketchy collateral (directly or via guarantee); 3) purchased preferred shares at modest dividend rates under TARP; 4) publicly certified the banks with stress tests and stated “no new Lehmans”. By these actions, the state assumed substantially all of the downside risk of the banking system. The market value of this risk-assumption by the government was more than the entire value of the major banks to their “private shareholders”. On commercial terms, the government paid for and ought to have owned several large banks lock, stock, and barrel. Instead, officials carefully engineered deals to avoid ownership and control.

The post continues.

After assuming the banking system’s downside risk, the US government engineered a wide variety of favorable circumstances that helped banks “earn” their way back to quasi-health. The government provided famous and obvious transfers like paying unwinding AIG swaps at 100¢ on the dollar. It forced short-term yields to zero and created an environment in which medium-term interest rates would be capped for several years, granting banks a near-risk-free arbitrage for a while. It emitted trillions in excess reserves on which it continues to pay interest. It forewent investigations and prosecutions that by law it should actively pursue, and settled what enforcement it could not avoid for token fees. Then there are the things conspiracy theorists and cranks like me suspect but cannot prove: that the government and the Fed have been less than aggressive in minimizing their costs when they or entities they controls (AIG, Fannie, Freddie) transact with large banks, that they have left money on the table where doing so could be hidden in arcane accounts or justified as ordinary transaction expenses and trading losses. Large banks have enjoyed some rather extraordinary results for allegedly efficient markets, quarters with large trading profits and no or very few losing days. Government housing policy is pretty overtly subject to a constraint that interventions must not provoke loss realizations for banks carrying bad loans at inflated values, or interfere with servicing revenues. …

07.12.2011 Policy Points No Comments

Long-Term Unemployment Remains Elevated

A recent report from the Pew Fiscal Analysis Initiative found that 31.8 percent of the individuals unemployed in the third quarter of 2011 had been unemployed for at least a year. The share of unemployed workers jobless for at least a year remains near the highest level recorded since 1967.

06.12.2011 Policy Points No Comments

Around The Dial – December 6, 2011

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

06.12.2011 Policy Points No Comments

Technical Fix Or benefit Cut

Ross Eisenbrey of the Economic Policy Institute explains why switching to a chained measure of consumer prices for the purposes of determining cost of living adjustments to Social Security benefits is unfair to seniors.

No supercommittee member should be allowed to pretend that using the chained CPI to determine Social Security COLAs is a ‘technical’ change to increase their accuracy. It is a benefit cut, pure and simple, and it will do the greatest harm to the oldest of the elderly. Under the proposed COLA, an average-wage worker retiring this year would, in 2031, receive $1,754 less in annual benefits.

06.12.2011 Policy Points No Comments

Unemployment Insurance Extensions

Heather Boushey of the Center for American Progress maps the state-by-state consequences of a failure  to extend emergency unemployment insurance benefits.  If Congress fails to renew the program, 2.2 million unemployed workers will lose their benefits by February 20102.