Policy Points

17.03.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Economic Divergence

Economic Divergence

The PBS NewsHour reports on the diverging economic fortunes of two Ohio counties, which are representative of the larger changes that have occurred to the American economy over the last 30 years.

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

16.03.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – March 16

Around The Dial – March 16

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

16.03.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on The Path To Insolvency

The Path To Insolvency

A policy brief from the N.C. Budget & Tax Center explains how shortsighted tax policy choices set the stage for the solvency problems afflicting the state’s unemployment insurance system.

The current situation is one that has taken more than a decade for North Carolina to get in and will require time to resolve. But state leaders need to address it, as the unemployment insurance system plays a critical role in smoothing the ups and downs of the business cycle and maintaining the spending that supports economic recovery. Policymakers must put together a solvency plan that rectifies the tax changes made in the 1990s and ensures that all employers are contributing to this critical program that supports families, business and communities in tough times.

16.03.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Mapping Income Inequality

Mapping Income Inequality

An interactive map on the Web site of The Atlantic Monthly allows users to see regional changes in median incomes over the last 30 years. According to the map, there exist 12 distinct regional patterns.

15.03.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – March 15

Around The Dial – March 15

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest: