Policy Points

07.01.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on The State of America’s Low-Income Working Families

The State of America’s Low-Income Working Families

Earlier this week, the CSPAN program Washington Journal discussed the findings of a new report on the state of America’s low-income working families prepared by The Working Poor Families Project. The show highlighted many of the diverse and controversial views regarding work and opportunity possessed by Americans.

06.01.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – Jan. 6

Around The Dial – Jan. 6

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

06.01.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on NC Unemployment Claims: Week of 12/18

NC Unemployment Claims: Week of 12/18

For the benefit week ending on December 18th, 18,503 North Carolinians filed initial claims for state unemployment insurance benefits, and 129,937 individuals applied for state-funded continuing benefits. Compared to the prior week, there were more initial and continuing claims. These figures come from data released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Averaging new and continuing claims over a four-week period — a process that helps adjust for seasonal fluctuations and better illustrates trends — shows that an average of  18,738 initial claims were filed over the previous four weeks, along with an average of 129,498 continuing claims. Compared to the previous four-week period, there were more initial and continuing claims.

One year ago, the four-week average for initial claims stood at 19,954 and the four-week average of continuing claims equaled 193,955.

While the number of claims has dropped over the past year, so has covered employment. Last week, covered employment totaled 3.7 million, down from 4 million a year ago.

The graph (right) shows the changes in unemployment insurance claims (as a share of covered employment) in North Carolina since the recession’s start in December 2007.

Both new and continuing claims appear to have peaked for this business cycle, and the four-week averages of new and continuing claims have fallen considerably. Yet continuing claims remain at an elevated level, which suggests that unemployed individuals are finding it difficult to find new positions. Also, new claims generally have been on the rise since the end of September.

06.01.2011 In the News, Policy Points Comments Off on SBN In The News

SBN In The News

South by North Strategies’ analyses of  the North Carolina economy have been featured in several recent media stories.

05.01.2011 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – Jan. 5

Around The Dial – Jan. 5

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest: