Declining Health Insurance Coverage
A new report from the Economic Policy Institute finds that the share of Americans under age 65 with employer-sponsored health insurance has fallen for nine straight years. In 2009, fewer than six out of every 10 such Americans received coverage through an employer plan provided to the individual, a spouse, or parent.
From the report …
While employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI)remains the predominant source of coverage for Americans under age 6, in 2009 ESI covered nearly 10% fewer under-65 Americans than in 2000. As many as 25 million more people under age 65 would have had ESI in 2009if the coverage rate had remained at the 2000 level. No demographic or socioeconomic group has been spared from the erosion of job-based insurance over the 2000s.Both genders and people of all ages, races, education,and income levels have suffered declines in coverage.Workers across the wage distribution, in small and large firms alike, and even those working full time and in white-collar jobs have experienced coverage losses.