In the News, Policy Points
South by North Strategies’ recent analyses of cyclical unemployment and income tends were featured in several North Carolina media outlets.
Policy Points
The PBS NewsHour reports on the policy options currently under consideration by the Federal Reserve.
Policy Points
Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:
Policy Points
Yesterday, the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association released the results of its 2010 census of North Carolina’s renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. From the report’s summary …
The renewable energy and energy efficiency industries currently support 12,500 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) in North Carolina, a 22% increase from 2009.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency firms conservatively generate more than $3.5 billion in annual revenue from North Carolina business activities.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency firms maintain a presence in all 100 counties; two-thirds of counties host the primary business location of a responding firm.
Policy Points
Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest: