Policy Points

29.09.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on 30 Years Of Inequality

30 Years Of Inequality

The PBS NewsHour discusses 30 years of rising income inequality.

29.09.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on The Housing Bubble’s Aftermath

The Housing Bubble’s Aftermath

In the video segment below, political scientist Tom Ferguson of the University of Massachusetts-Boston explains the toll that the housing bubble and financial crisis has exacted from cities like Baltimore.

28.09.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – September 28

Around The Dial – September 28

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

28.09.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Courtesy of Paul Krugman …

This is what you need to know: important people have no special monopoly on wisdom; and in times like these, when the usual rules of economics don’t apply, they’re often deeply foolish, because the power of conventional wisdom prevents them from talking sense about a deeply unconventional situation.

28.09.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on State Coincident Indicators: August

State Coincident Indicators: August

Economic conditions remained weak across much of the nation in August, according to the newest State Coincident Indexes Report prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

In August coincident indexes moved in a positive direction in 27 states and in a negative direction in 16 states. No changes occurred in seven states.

The map to the right, which is taken from the Reserve Bank’s survey, shows the three-month changes in coincident indicators by state. Positive numbers denote improvements in economic conditions, and negative numbers refer to declines.

Over the last three months, coincident indexes increased in 40 states, decreased in six states and held steady in four states.

During the same three-month period, North Carolina’s coincident index moved in a positive direction, which suggests improvements in local economic conditions.