Policy Points

10.08.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Estimated Federal Aid to States

Estimated Federal Aid to States

An analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates how much Medicaid and education assistance each state stands to receive under the Senate jobs bill now awaiting House action.

09.08.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – August 9

Around The Dial – August 9

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

09.08.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Modernizing Unemployment Insurance

Modernizing Unemployment Insurance

The unemployment insurance modernization provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) extend a total of $7 billion in incentive funding to states that make their insurance systems more responsive to the needs of low-wage workers, part-time workers, female workers, and the long-term unemployed.

Since ARRA’s enactment, 32 states have adjusted their systems and have qualified for the maximum incentive payment; eight other states have qualified for partial payment. The remaining states have until August 2011 to act.

The map (right), which was prepared by the National Employment Law Project, shows the current status of each state.

09.08.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on The July Employment Report

The July Employment Report

A recent segment on The PBS NewsHour analyzed the national employment report for July and what it means for working Americans, especially the 14.6 million who are jobless and actively seeking work.

06.08.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – August 6

Around The Dial – August 6

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest: