Policy Points

22.07.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Old Mistakes Repeat Themselves

Old Mistakes Repeat Themselves

Writing for Project Syndicate, Robert Skidelsky  asks what advocates of fiscal austerity must believe in order to make their policy proposals coherent. Concludes Skidelsky’ commentary:

The classical view of the economy, which [John Maynard] Keynes set out to demolish, is not only alive, but in recent years has been dominant, feeding the belief that competitive markets can be left to regulate themselves, will always provide as much employment as is wanted, and are immune to large-scale collapse. This also fuels opposition to government intervention, and to “stimulus” policies, which are supposedly redundant, if not harmful, since the events that require them cannot happen (but do).

Unless we start discussing economics in a Keynesian framework, we are doomed to a succession of crises and recessions. If we don’t, the next one will come sooner than we think.

21.07.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – July 21

Around The Dial – July 21

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest:

21.07.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Good For Innovation?

Good For Innovation?

Earlier this week, The News & Observer reported that Becton Dickinson, a maker of medical equipment,plans to open a distribution center in Johnston County.  The company will receive a package of state and local subsidies potentially worth up to $2.3 million.

While new industry and jobs are welcome during a time of high unemployment,  the deal reopens many of the longstanding debates surrounding business subsidies, such as those over the quality of subsidized jobs. Yet this package also raises questions about whether the decision is consistent with the state’s stated emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of long-term growth.

In this month’s cover storyThe Washington Monthly describes how Becton Dickinson allegedly has used anticompetitive practices to keep small, entrepreneurial firms from brining innovative medical products — specifically syringes that reduce the risk of accidental needle-sticks — to market. Reports the article:

… In the case of syringes, the incumbent heavyweight has long been Becton Dickinson, or BD, a New Jersey–based company that controls 70 percent of the syringe market and has a lengthy history of trampling competitors. As early as 1960, BD was brought up on Justice Department charges for its anticompetitive practices …

As it turns out, [Thomas] Shaw’s retractable syringe hit just as these trends were converging. In fact, the year his product came onto the market, three of the nation’s largest GPOs [group purchasing organizations] merged to form a company called Premier, which managed buying for 1,700 hospitals, or about a third of all hospitals in the United States. Shortly thereafter, Premier signed a $1.8 billion, seven-and-a-half-year deal with Becton Dickinson. Under the agreement, member hospitals … had to buy 90 percent of their syringes and blood collection tubes from the company. Over the next two years, BD landed similar deals with all but one major GPO.

Meanwhile, as Shaw was fighting his battles hospital to hospital, Becton Dickinson was working to extend its hold on the nation’s GPOs. According to confidential documents filed as part of a whistleblower lawsuit, in 1999 BD paid $1 million to Novation, the only major GPO with which it hadn’t yet signed a sole-source contract, in return for a three-year sole-source deal …

Another recent take on the company’s supposed behavior towards smaller competitors is found in the recent book Cornered (chapter 6), authored by Barry Lynn of the New American Foundation.

21.07.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Financial Reform And The Poor

Financial Reform And The Poor

A segment on the PBS NewsHour discussed what financial reform might mean for the poorest Americans.

20.07.2010 Policy Points Comments Off on Around The Dial – July 20

Around The Dial – July 20

Economic policy reports, blog postings, and media stories of interest: